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4 Signs Your Home Wiring Needs Repairs

4 Signs Your Home Wiring Needs Repairs

It can be hard to imagine the effect not having electricity would have on your day to day life. Because we make such frequent use it, many people begin to take it for granted and fail to consider how much of an impact having to go without it could have on their lives or the danger it can pose to your safety and that of your home. One of the key components to maintaining a safe and reliable electrical system in your home is a safe, effective, and reliable wiring system. The wiring system in your home is easy to forget about until something goes catastrophically wrong to remind you of its presence. Fortunately, there are several warning signs you can be on the lookout for to know when it’s time to have an electrician come out and perform wiring repairs on your home.

Damaged Or Frayed Wiring

The electrical wiring inside your home is insulated from exposure to air and any foreign contaminants. Unfortunately, over time that insulation can be worn through, fray, or crack from heavy usage or a number of other reasons. Once this insulating layer is compromised, the newly exposed wiring can become a serious safety risk, potentially leading to electrical shock or starting electrical fires. If you notice your home wiring has become exposed, you should immediately contact a professionally licensed electrician.

Outdated Wiring Systems

Another common issue, especially in older homes, is old or outdated wiring. If your home was built before the early 70’s, it is definitely in your best interest to have an electrical safety inspection performed on your home. Old homes can sometimes still have aluminum or knob and tube wiring in them, which are no longer used in home construction today because of the substantial threat they pose to the safety of your home.

Insufficient Electrical Wiring

Modern homes demand a good deal more energy than homes have at any point in the past. The sad truth of the matter is that many older home’s wiring systems just aren’t sufficient for providing enough power to fill the needs of the average modern home. As the wiring in your home becomes overloaded, it becomes increasingly more dangerous. Some of the common signs your electrical wiring is overloading are the flickering and dimming of lights and frequently tripping breakers.

Overheating And Scorching

The largest safety threat to a home with a badly maintained electrical system is an electrical fire. If you notice any signs that your electrical system is overheating, it is important that you contact a licensed professional immediately. Signs that your electrical system is overheating can range from walls that are warm to the touch, scorch marks around electrical outlets, and burning rubber smells within your home.

If you are looking for electrical wiring repairs for your Oceanside home, call the professionals at Custom Touch Electric today at 760-728-7000 or fill out our online request form.